Saturday, August 29, 2009

My marathon training....

It was raining today, but luckily it stops and the sun shines brightly in the afternoon. So, it is a great day for my training. Honestly, i was quite lazy to jog today as i guess my "hangat hangat tahi ayam" character always makes me loosing many opportunity of gaining something. Jogging is really a good sport to relax and to forget some unhappy event. That is true... i am getting better day after day... But i still can not completely let it go... I wonder how long is it going to take... sometimes i feel that my life is colorless without her...i do know life have to go on

The only thing that makes my day is that i have improved drastically since day one of my training.. Initially i can only jog for a very short time.. and now i can jog non-stop over 45 minutes with faster pace. But i don't think i am fit enough to take part in marathon as i am not fast enough. Hopefully i am very serious this time..i can push for even longer but my chest is aching since i gym yesterday.. hope the ache will go off by Monday and then i can continue again

Jojo bites again today, my friend asked me to ignore her instead of slapping her in the face. I have to try this as slapping seem to be useless for her...


  1. waliu dai lou...

    why slap ur dog in the face.. so ganas...... = ="

