Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sook ching's birthday...

Happy birthday to you~~ Celebrated her birthday today at the San Francisco Steak House in KLCC suria. Thank you for everything my friend.. Quite lucky to know you :) hehe. The food is fantastic... love it so much

Happy face... hehe

Performance of the day~ the snorkeling guy...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My marathon training....

It was raining today, but luckily it stops and the sun shines brightly in the afternoon. So, it is a great day for my training. Honestly, i was quite lazy to jog today as i guess my "hangat hangat tahi ayam" character always makes me loosing many opportunity of gaining something. Jogging is really a good sport to relax and to forget some unhappy event. That is true... i am getting better day after day... But i still can not completely let it go... I wonder how long is it going to take... sometimes i feel that my life is colorless without her...i do know life have to go on

The only thing that makes my day is that i have improved drastically since day one of my training.. Initially i can only jog for a very short time.. and now i can jog non-stop over 45 minutes with faster pace. But i don't think i am fit enough to take part in marathon as i am not fast enough. Hopefully i am very serious this time..i can push for even longer but my chest is aching since i gym yesterday.. hope the ache will go off by Monday and then i can continue again

Jojo bites again today, my friend asked me to ignore her instead of slapping her in the face. I have to try this as slapping seem to be useless for her...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy sunday~~

It was a bright sunny sunday. So i followed my course mates to the curve to have a K session in Red Box. It was a long time ago since my last visit. I went there earlier just to look around hoping that i could find a suitable watch for myself. Wished to buy one for a very long time already, just that i could not make my mind as i was stingy on myself that time. But this time, i know what i want already... hehe... since i am strap of time, i end up buying one nice T-shirt.. Forgot to take the picture of that t-shirt.. so i upload my watch only.. hehe

The one raising his fist is my old friend Robbie... Kel Mynn said that he hold his grudge is because Gynnie keep holding the controller... hehe..

The carrot seller Karen, if you are looking for a carrot supplier... you can find her...

Haha, he raps very well... i couldn't do that...

After the K session, we proceeded to the movie session.. haha... we watched this movie ------->

This movie is not really nice...i prefer the drama... so while waiting for the movie to start, we went to shop and looked for a nice watch.. hehe... and this is what i have chosen ------->

Then after the movie, we went here ---->

Syabu Syabu in Puchong

SS in the lift~~

My dinner~~

Saturday, August 22, 2009


小的时候都会很羡慕那些有遥控汽车的朋友。 还记得每次去到百货公司, 第一件事就是到玩具的部门去看遥控车。用尽了很多办法来让爸爸卖给我,但是每次都失败。最后他也终于买了一架给我。 但是那一款并不是我想要得,所以到现在还是有点遗憾没有拥有过有四个 servo motor 的遥控汽车。

就在前天和朋友休息吃午餐之后在sunway随便逛逛的时候看见了遥控直升机, 我和他就有一股想要买的冲动。就是因为做不出决定,所以我们考虑到今天才买了它。

以前她都说我幼稚,现在想来其实我也蛮小孩子的。 吃到那么大还买这种东西来玩。 其实呢, 我那个和我一起买的朋友告诉我。 遥控直升机比遥控汽车还来得难玩。 这是真的, 要跟风向来控自它。 要不然的话它真得会乱飞。

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


昨天作了个梦,梦见和她吵架了。这个梦好像不是很长,但是就是很模糊。都不是很能清楚的梦里的情节是怎样了, 只是记得这个梦好像还有别人的介入。 应该是吧,只是很记得在快要醒的时候我们和好了。

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

手都肿了。。。—————— T____T

好久都没有练吉他了,大概有两年了多快要三年了吧。每当看见别人弹吉他的时候都会很羡慕。恨不得当时的三分钟热度。 最近都闲着没事做, 那种感觉有再回来了。希望这次真得能学会。。。 可是,我的手都肿了。。。 T___T

Monday, August 17, 2009


作天刚和一位朋友谈天。原来他也在MMU读。 现在就读 Alpha Sem 1 就读的科系是Management 总觉得时间过得很快, 眨眼间我现在就在实习了. 也就是说就快毕业了. 应该是还有十个月吧. 实习过后还要读多八个月. 在大学读书的时候中想如果没有考试就好了, 到了现在终于没有考试了 .可是有时候会想回到学校过着学生的日子.

还记得在 Alpha year 的时候, 学长都会劝我参加课外活动。 但是我就是不听他的劝告。 当时的我就只会呆在家中读书。 根本就没有想要认识人的念头。 说真有时真的觉得我的生活有点空虚. 在有她陪的日子里都不会有这种感觉。

但是最近真的觉得我好像突然间什么都没有了。 但是还好,我还有一些朋友陪着我。甚至还有几个真得很关心我的同学,很多次都会问我怎样了, 开导我。。。有时候也会觉得其实老天爷对我也蛮好的,在我很低弱的时候都让我遇见了贵人。

如果毕竟还是如果,这些都只是过去了。现在就只能往前看。不能再往后看了。但是我还是很肯定的,我没有可能像别人那样去参加课外活动的。我是个很懒惰的人, 也不想逼我自己做我自己不喜欢做的东西。haha

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Her name is Jojo

Here is my new family member, a Pomeranian which cost my sister RM2050. She is so adorable and obedient. At first my parents are very objective of keeping a puppy at home since they used to think that puppy are noisy. To my surprise, Jojo is very very different from other puppies. She is the most obedient puppy which i have ever came across. She seem to know what to do at certain time. When it is the time for us to go to bed, she will sit still and quite. Since then, both of my parents changed their view towards her. hehe....Even my anti doggie mummy started to touch her and clean her pee... hehe... Dad?? haha, he loves her too... I hope she is happy to be with us... love you :)

This is where i started...

Had been stopped blogging for a very very long time... there are many things running through my mine all the time recently... i think it is a best place for me to express all my thoughts... Anyway.... welcome to my blog... hehe... hope you enjoy it :)